Facial Skin Care

While enjoying the last warm weeks, it is often forgotten that before autumn sets in, it is essential to take care of skin that is accustomed to the summer season, and which is now particularly sensitive to the changes in the weather that will occur. Cosmetologists advise people with skin that is particularly prone to dryness to incorporate deeply nourishing, moisture-preserving cosmetic products enriched with macadamia, shea and lanolin oils into their daily skincare routine.

Conscientious nourishment is essential to ensure the skin’s harmonious functioning, which, as the weather changes, helps the skin to protect itself from the sensitivity caused by harmful environmental factors, which can cause tightness, dryness, scratching and itching. For this reason, cosmetologists advise choosing products that effectively soften the skin, preserve moisture and help prevent dryness-induced cracking of the face or lips, such as the natural macadamia, shea and lanolin oils often found in cosmetics.

“When the transition period from warm to cold season begins, well-cared-for skin is able to successfully adapt to the new changes, but if it is not taken care of beforehand, its self-regulatory processes can be disrupted, leading to the first signs of dry and cracked skin. To prevent this, it is advisable not to wait for the cold weather and to start using cosmetics with the protective, moisturising and nourishing properties of macadamia, shea and lanolin oils in advance. These oils, which are commonly found in creams, not only take care of dry and cracked skin, but also, when used prophylactically, preserve the skin’s moisture and prevent future skin damage,” says Irena Jokšienė, founder of the Lithuanian cosmetics brand “O.D.A.”.

Each of the oils – macadamia, shea and lanolin – is characterised not only by its intensive moisturising properties, but also by its individual properties, the combined result of which can provide comprehensive skin care. Macadamia oil, rich in fatty acids and vitamins, regenerates the skin and slows down the ageing process, while shea oil soothes inflammation caused by excess sun exposure and lanolin not only adds to the skin’s moisture-protecting properties, but also helps to preserve the skin’s moisture.

“Macadamia oil for all skin types is most effective on dry skin and skin showing the first signs of ageing, thanks to its age-defying palmitoleic acid. Although it is found in all human tissues, it decreases in every body over the years, which can be seen in the main factor that causes skin ageing – dryness,” says Jokšienė. – That’s why taking care of your skin early and nourishing it regularly with macadamia oil can help ensure that it stays naturally moist without fearing either the coming temperature changes or the early signs of ageing.

According to foreign studies, shea and lanolin oils, which are rich in ceramides and free fatty acids, can not only prevent dry skin thanks to their occlusive properties, but also accelerate the recovery of the skin’s moisture barrier, which has been damaged by environmental factors. These oils form an impermeable, protective film on the surface of the skin and help restore the integrity of the intercellular lipid structure. They are like building blocks that ensure comprehensive skin care by activating the hydration process, maintaining constant moisture, restoring the skin’s natural barrier functions and protecting the skin from external and harmful environmental factors.

“Macadamia, shea or lanolin oils, used individually, can effectively replenish the skin’s moisture, but when used together, the best properties of these oils can give unexpectedly satisfying results. You don’t have to wait for the first signs to avoid unpleasant skin changes such as dryness, cracking, stretching or flaking – by taking care of your skin in advance, you can successfully survive the challenging autumn season,” says I. Jokšienė. – But the most important thing to remember is that, even with the highest quality cosmetics, the biggest changes will only come from a healthy lifestyle, where our skin is pampered daily with vitamins, water and the rest it needs.”